Image of Uneekor EYE XO

Uneekor EYE XO Manuals & Guides

Uneekor EYE XO User Manual & Guides:

• Uneekor EYE XO User Manual

Uneekor EYE XO Minimum Computer Requirements: 

CPU: Intel i5 8400 or higher, 3rd Gen Ryzen or higher, AMD 3600 or higher


Graphics: GeforceGTX 1060**

OS: Windows 10 (64bit) 

Data Interface: Ethernet 

Uneekor EYE XO Dimensions & Hitting Zone: 

Generally speaking, the EYE XO launch monitor is able to fit into most spaces. 

We recommend a space with dimensions of: 

12' Width

16' Length

9' Height 

Make sure you can swing your club comfortably in your desired space, as you may need more than 9' high ceilings if your swing requires it.

*The EYE XO must be mounted on the ceiling at a height no lower than 9'H and no higher than 10'H, approximately 3.5' in front of the ball.