Choosing A Portable Launch Monitor That’s Best for Your Game

Choosing A Portable Launch Monitor That’s Best for Your Game

Vinnie Manginelli, PGA

Thanks to technology, golf has become a year-round activity for many die-hards across the
country. Indoor golf simulator studios and golf entertainment venues have combined playing the
game with food and beverage to create a stellar social experience.

Many golfers with available space in their basement, garage, or den are investing in launch monitors for their homes. They’re also bringing it to the range and golf course to enhance their
limited practice time. Here’s some information that could help narrow your options and aid in
making the best purchase for your needs.

The first factor to consider is your budget. How much do you want to spend? Based on that
answer, you have several launch monitor options within each price point.

Lower Cost Options

SwingCaddie SC300i - $399.99


 Live Doppler technology provides:
o Club speed
o Ball speed
o Smash factor
o Launch angle
o Shot apex
o Carry distance

The SwingCaddie SC300i offers practice mode, where you can attain all those vital numbers
mentioned above from 10 to 370 yards, and target mode, where you can take dead aim at targets between 15 and 195 yards.

Use the SC300i with the optional smartphone app to store data, view swing videos, and see your statistics between swings.

Additional factors to consider:

 o Very lightweight
 o Portable
 o Voice feedback
 o Hands-free
 o Shot storage by club
 o 12-hour rechargeable battery

Garmin Approach R10 - $599.99


 Doppler-based technology provides:

o Club speed
o Ball speed
o Smash factor
o Angle of attack
o Launch angle
o Apex (maximum height of the golf ball)
o Spin rate/axis
o Club path angle
o Club face angle
o Launch direction
o Carry distance

 Automatic video recordings

o Streamline your practice sessions with automatic video recordings of every shot
that you can clip and save.
o Overlay data on video to compare your swing with the results achieved.

Use the Garmin Approach R10 with the Garmin Golf smartphone/tablet app to see metrics in

Additional factors to consider:

o Tripod stand included
o Phone mount
o Carry case
o Lightweight and portable
o 10-hour rechargeable battery

The Garmin Approach R10 is compatible with the E6 golf simulation application, which includes
five free golf courses to play. Subscription on the Garmin app is available that provides over
40,000 courses.

Rapsodo MLM2PRO - $699.99

This is the newest launch monitor from Rapsodo and recently made the Golf Digest Hot List.


 Photometric and Doppler-based technology provides:

o Club speed
o Ball speed
o Launch direction
o Launch angle
o Spin rate
o Spin axis

The Rapsodo MLM2PRO launch monitor comes with dual cameras that provide video feedback
on all shots. It also tracks shot vision, impact vision, and swing replays.

Additional factors to consider:

o Use indoors or outdoors
o Tripod stand included
o Carry case
o Charger
o Three Callaway RPT Chrome Soft X Golf Balls
o 1 Year MLM2PRO premium membership

Mid-Range Options

Mevo+ - $1,979.00


 Doppler-based technology measures 20 data points, including:

o The basics mentioned for devices above, PLUS these for full swing and chipping-
o Flight time
o Roll distance
o Total distance
o Shot dispersion
o Shot type
o And these for putting:
o Launch speed
o Total distance
o Ball direction
o 10 E6 Connect Simulated golf courses
o Free software for FS Golf App, FS Skill App, FS PC Software

The FlightScope Mevo+ also has an upgraded kickstand and unique upgrade options to
enhance your golf practice and entertainment experience.

Additional factors to consider:

o 17 practice ranges
o State-of-the-art app enables instruction and club fitting, as well as practice with video
and comprehensive data.
o Comes with Mevo+ launch monitor – 2023 edition, carrying case, E6 special license for
the 10 courses, metallic stickers, and charging cables.
o One red flag is the three-hour battery life.

Bushnell LP (new ball tracking only) - $1,999.99


 Photometric-based technology measures 10 ball and club data points:

o Carry distance
o Ball speed
o Total spin
o Launch angle
o Spin tilt axis
o Spin (back & side)
o Club head speed
o Smash factor
o Club path
o Angle of attack

The Bushnell Launch Pro can be used indoors or outside on the range and uses photometric
infrared cameras to track ball and club data.
The optional Golf Subscription upgrade unlocks simulated courses via the Foresight Sports
Simulation Software, Awesome Golf Software, and GSPRO Software.

Additional factors to consider:

o Includes Launch Pro device, club marker pack, USB-C cable, power cord, alignment
stick, 14-day trial

SkyTrak+ - $2,695.00


 o Dual Doppler radar and photometric system measure all club and ball data already
mentioned, plus descent angle.

When purchasing the SkyTrak+, you get the basic software that enables you to hit golf balls
indoors or outdoors and attain extensive data on every shot. There are several upgrade options

that provide an increasing number of additional amenities, courses, and opportunities to enhance
your practice and golf simulation experience.

SkyTrak recruited the expertise of GOLFTEC’s Nick Clearwater, one of the top instructors in the
world to explain the benefits of each data point. These tutorials will help you get the most out of
your investment and maximize your performance on the golf course.

Next Level Options

Uneekor EYE MINI - $3,999.00


o Measures ball and club data using high-speed cameras
o Use indoors or outdoors
o Uses EYE XO and QED tracking technology found in Uneekor’s higher-end models, but
in this portable solution.

The Uneekor EYE MINI also includes the VIEW software app for PCs and iOS devices that
connects via Bluetooth or the included CAT6 cable.

You can also consider upgraded software options that offer additional profiles so friends or family can also gauge their progress through the extensive data provided.

Additional factors to consider:

o 5-6-hour battery life (rechargeable battery)
o EYE MINI carry case and strap

Full Swing KIT - $4,999.00


o Radar-based launch monitor measures 16 points of data mentioned throughout the post
o Built-in 4K camera for swing video replay

The Full Swing Kit launch monitor is the choice used by Tiger Woods to ensure he gets the most
out of his practice time with the most accurate data available.

Additional factors to consider:

o Comes with charging block
o Protective travel case
o E6 compatibility

o Innovative app that allows you to analyze your swing and the data provided, share such
information, and improve your skills through careful consideration of the aspects of your
swing that need the most attention.

Foresight GC3 - $6,999.00

Among the leaders in the highest-end of launch monitors is Foresight Sports, maker of the
GCQuad. If you’re not ready to spend $15,000 or more, then the Foresight Sports GC3 is the
choice for you.


o Photometric-based launch monitor and Triscopic high-speed camera system measure the
standard ball and club data metrics.
o Essentials Plus Bundle FSX Software license gives you 25 courses to play
o Foresight Sports performance app
The Foresight Sports GC3 launch monitor can be taken to the range, on the course, or set up at
home both indoors or out.
Additional factors to consider:
o 5-7-hour battery life
o Comes with transflective LCD touch screen built in
o Weighs only five pounds

Tying it all together

As you can see, there are many options in golf launch monitors today. But the process starts with
YOU – your needs and your budget. Once that’s determined, you’ll want to speak with a sales
and service professional from The Indoor Golf Shop, who will walk you through the entire
process, leaving you satisfied with your purchase at the end.
Many of the data points measured are the same as you just read, but other aspects of the devices
differ significantly in some cases. The price point is a good way to narrow your options, similar
to how we did it here.options within each price point.

Bushnell General Launch Monitors