Foresight GC2 vs. GCQuad
Foresight Sports GC2 vs. GCQuad: Head to Head Comparison

When you're in the market for top of the accuracy out of your launch monitor you should turn to Foresight Sports. They have two very good launch monitors that are widely used by teachers, club fitters, and touring professionals worldwide. We are talking about the GC2 and the GCQuad. Both of these launch monitors can be used indoors or outdoors, and also have the ability to do simulation.
These two launch monitors are awesome in almost any situation. They can go to the range, they work indoors, and they are great when paired with simulation software. Foresight has been at the forefront of launch monitors for awhile, they have experience that creates great top of the line products.
First let's talk about what you are looking for in a launch monitor and simulator setup. Would you like it to be mobile or just for in home use? How much space do you have? What data points are you interested in? Do you want it for play, practice, or both?
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From a data standpoint, the main difference lies in the measurement technology present within both launch monitors.
The GC2, Foresight's original "Game Changer", is a camera based system and captures ball data only. In most applications ball data is more than sufficient and will provide a golfer data points such as ball speed, launch angles, spin, distance, etc.
The newer GCQuad launch monitor is a first of its kind and utilized Quadrascopic imaging to deliver both ball and club head data. So in addition to the ball data one would get with a GC2, you also have insight into club metrics such as club head velocity, swing path, angle of attack, etc.
It's important to note that in order to unlock the club head data within a GCQuad, one must purchase the club head analysis add-on which runs an additional $4000.

Uses Cases
GC2: This is just a fantastic launch monitor. The GC2 has great self leveling technology that allows for some of the quickest setup times of its class.
You can get up and running at the range with this launch monitor in less that 5 min and get verified accurate numbers.
Though this launch monitor is missing club speed statistics, it makes up for it with portability and 2 stereoscopic cameras.
Foresight Sports' GC2 is also compatible with golf simulation software so in addition to the raw data, golfers can enjoy full rounds of simulated golf in the comfort of their home.
GCQuad: This is a big step up. This is one of best portable launch monitors on the market. It tracks club data and just about every data metric you can imagine. It is fantastic for simulators, and has a beautiful LCD screen with valuable data at the forefront.
The GCQuad has a hitting zone 6x bigger than the GC2, putting it in a much completely different category than the GC2. With double the amount of stereoscopic cameras this launch monitor is truly the top of the line.
The GCQuad is the better launch monitor, but it also costs way more. The data from these two launch monitors will be accurate, there is no doubt about that, its just what data you're looking to gather since the club data on the GC2 is non-existent
A Final Overview
Foresight GC2
- Can be used indoor or outdoors
- Smaller in Size
- Very Accurate
- Long battery life
- Lower Price
Foresight GCQuad
- Very Accurate Numbers
- Can be used indoors or outdoors
- Great for Simulator Use
- Tracks Club Data
- 6x Bigger Hitting Area than GC2
Foresight GC2
- No Club Data
- Battery is Non-Removable
- No Wifi
- Flash must be Replaced
- Battery cant be removed
Foresight GCQuad
- Price
- Larger/Bulkier

While the potential for both of these launch monitors is huge, there are some other things you need to consider before going down the Foresight road. Number one is money. The GC2 comes in at $6500 and the Quad is $11,000, but wait there's more! You also have to buy and use the FSX software that alone is $3000, if you want to get an HMT for your GC2 that is $6000, plus if you want to measure club head data with the Quad it is $4000 and the putting analysis is $2500.
Finally, Foresight has restricted the use of third party software for simulation use, meaning you can not get The Golf Club 2019 or Creative Golf to play on your home simulator. You have to buy all of your software and course bundles from them, they have great course packages, but they start at $150 per course and go up from there. There are rumors that they will begin to open this up in the near term, but as of today it has not come to fruition.
Both of these are fantastic products, they work really well both in/outdoors, and they are extremely accurate and miss very few shots. The only issues are all the add-ons and no compatibility options with other software. If you are a teacher or club fitter, or you are a grinder that wants really good data you can't go wrong with either one of these machines.